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Native Instruments Guitar Rig 1
stompboxjon stompboxjon

« Huge fan of Guitar Rig »

Publié le 12/02/13 à 08:19
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
When Native Instruments Guitar Rig 1 came out, I was very excited to get it. It has come along ways since version one but still version 1 was what set the ground floor for everything after that. When I purchased it , it came with a Rig Kontrol foot pedal /controller to give the real feel of a foot pedal. I did have some issues with getting the foot pedal to work right on my Windows computer at the time; I think I was running Windows XP. I had to jump through all sorts of loops to get it to work right but after about 30 minutes of trouble shooting I had it figured it. But the software installed great and I was able to load up the plug in without any issues.


There are a bunch of presets that are copied from major songs in Guitar Rig, I didn’t like using them because they sound so identical to the actual sound of the song it felt like I was copying but it definitely would use the presets to build off of and create something new from. The cabinet and microphone can be altered in different settings with the microphone positioning giving a completely different sound. The amps that inspired Guitar Rig 1 are the Mesa/Boogie Rectifier and the Marshal Plexi 50W.


When Guitar Rig 2 came out I was able to have both of them installed simultaneously because they were two completely different programs. But when version 3 came out for some reason it got installed over version 1 and 2 which I was very upset about because I lost all of my custom presets and never got them back. Now I am running Guitar Rig 5 and love using. It is one of my favorite plug ins of all times, I use it on my instrument and drum tracks to try out new things. I do wish Native Instruments to spend some time creating presets that are not so based off of “popular” songs because sometimes I feel like they overdue it. But none the less, this is one of my favorite plug ins to work with.