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< Tous les avis Anwida DX Reverb Light [Freeware]
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Anwida DX Reverb Light [Freeware]
Anwida DX Reverb Light [Freeware]
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Publié le 25/05/10 à 22:28
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Anwida's DX Reverb Light is a free version of their DX Reverb plug-in. It comes in both VST and Direct X plug-in formats, but I believe it is only available for PC platforms. I've used this as a VST plug-in in Cubase SX. I haven't used the full version of this plug-in, so unfortunately I won't be able to compare and contrast them. Users shouldn't have any problems installing the plug-in as long as they have the right platform to run it on. The interface of DX Reverb Light is pretty straight forward - it has parameters for mix, predelay, decay, and low cut frequency. It also has a large value knob and an overall output level slider as well. It has a variety of preset sounds that you can work with as well. I never had a need to check out the manual for this plug-in...


When I was running Anwida DX Reverb Light on a Hewlett Packard Pavilion dv8000 lap top with a 3.0 Ghz processor and 2 GB of RAM, before I switched over to Pro Tools. This plug-in can only be run on a PC, so I no longer have this plug-in on my Mac. I had this plug-in for about a year before I switched over, and it was definitely a good enough plug-in to warrant having around. It takes up an extremely small amount of processing power, so I would think that as long as you're able to run your DAW with plug-ins smoothly as is, you'll be okay with this one.


Anwida DX Reverb Light is definitely a plug-in I'd recommend checking out if you have a PC and either a VST or Direct X supported DAW. It isn't going to break down any boarders or give you something spectacular, but for the light version of a plug-in it actually has a good amount to offer it's users. The sounds are useful for mixing smaller budgeted or home studio projects for sure. I'll always recommend at least trying out a free plug-in if you're able to, but with DX Reverb Light I really don't see a reason not to have it in your suite full time.