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Reason Studios Reason 4
Reason Studios Reason 4

Séquenceur électro de la marque Reason Studios appartenant à la série Reason

songboy songboy
Publié le 21/01/09 à 13:45
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Not a single problem with the install. I haven't tried any refills yet but I would imagine they would work great too. I have a mac laptop, there were no compatibility issues. I have Logic 8 also, and in comparison, Reason is not as simple in configuration or setup. Infact, when I first used it, I was fairly confused. Logic's interface is just so damned easy that I feel I was expecting more out of this program. What I can tell you though is once you get the hang of it, its a piece of cake. The manual is good enough. Its pretty lame though that the program doesn't have a help tab built in, I guess its just a convenience issue though. I definitely had to reference the manual a lot so that would have been nice. What really helps when learning the ropes is downloading the tutorial videos made by the guys who made reason. Then if all falls into place and thats when the fun begins.


I have a Macbook with 2.2ghz, 4gb ram, and I use a presonus firebox/firepod for my interface. So far the software works flawlessly with my setup. No crashes and great sounds! I am going to give this a 10 for performance. Lots of options built in with the factory sounds. So many that the refill's have yet to interest me. I should mention that this is not an open program in the way of plugins. You have to use reason plugins, thats all you get to the best of my knowledge.


I have been using this program for about 2 weeks. What I like most about Reason is how fun and easy it is once you break the learning curve. It becomes very accessible and an amazing tool for ideas and writing loop based music. The synths in it our pretty damn sweet too! What I don't like is the limitations on plugins. As I mentioned before, Reason plugin's only. I have some great Absynth patches that sound so great with some of the synths in reason, but I have to bounce the reason stuff down into aiff files and send it into Logic to pair the two programs together. Do not let advertisements and other things of that sort confuse you, this is not a DAW! This is a electronic music sequencer just like Audio Fanzine says. For the same price you can get Logic 8 which in comparison, blows this program out of the water. But, if you can afford both, like writing loop based music, and are not afraid to be a little daunted at first, this might be for you. I would definitely make the same choice, its just so much fun.