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Arturia CS-80V
Arturia CS-80V
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Publié le 22/10/10 à 04:35
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Arturia CS-80V is a software synthesizer that is a virtual version of the Yamaha CS-80 from the late 1970's. You can get the software for all formats as far as I'm aware of, but I've only used it on a Mac based system. I don't own this software, so I wouldn't be able to speak about the installation process. Learning how to use the software isn't too difficult if you're just looking to get some basic sounds from it, but it's incredibly in depth. There are so many parameters on here it's almost hard to fathom! I haven't used an original CS-80V myself, so I can't say how it compares exactly, but it seems to be a pretty good emulation of the interface just by judging from pictures of the original. In my time using the CS-80V I've generally stuck to using the presets, but obviously you can get pretty deep with it if you spend the time learning what everything does. A manual would definitely be a good idea if you're serious about learning how to use everything in this soft synth.


We have the Arturia CS-80V synthesizer running at the studio where I'm working, which has it on a Pro Tools HD based system. It won't usually get used in Pro Tools however, as mostly it's used in Logic on this system. We have a few different studios, but it generally gets used in the smaller productions suites rather than the main room. Either way, all our systems are pretty sturdy and can handle running this software no matter what it's running with.


There's a ton of different sounds that are possible with the Arturia CS-80V, which are valuable to have regardless of if you're looking for sounds like the Yamaha CS-80 or not. I haven't delved into the CS-80V as much as is possible at all, but I've used it enough I think to get a good feel of the different sounds possible here, which are certainly vast. It's definitely got the sound of a 70's into the 80's synthesizer, which is great if you're going for that sort of vibe as I often am. If you're interested in this software at all, it's not too expensive as far as high quality software synths go, so definitely do yourself a favor and check it out.