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EastWest Symphonic Orchestra GOLD COMPLETE - PLAY EDITION

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  • jonoftheshred88jonoftheshred88

    Son tueur!

    EastWest Symphonic Orchestra GOLD COMPLETE - PLAY EDITIONPublié le 10/07/14 à 17:06
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    East West sound banks are a staple of my sound. In writing symphonic, cinematic prog rock synth funk, I've found myself going back to Orchestra Gold time and time again. However, those with slow computers - beware!

    The general setup of the program is a time-consuming process. At the time of my purchase, all of the software came on several discs. I had to install the software disc-by-disc, sitting at my computer and watching the progress bar slowly move closer towards completion. And every time I've had to reinstall my OS, I've dreaded having to reinstall this software.

    You get what you pay for, and in this case, you get what you WAIT for. The rather arduous process of installing disc after disc of material, then authorizing the product through Ilok, is rather tedious and can take the wings right out of your music production sails if you think you're gonna be making music within 10 minutes of opening the products box.

    Having said all that, I do believe the software is now sent on it's own hard-drive, meaning installation is unnecessary.


    The thing with these sound banks, is it's a FULL orchestra at your freaking fingertips. Now I'm not much of a technical guy; I don't know how to make this software. I understand how it operates at a rudimentary level, but not enough to give you detailed cliff-notes on specs and the like. I'm a MUSICIAN, and my focus is composing music, not designing software. Having said that, from personal experience, this program can and WILL bog down your computers run-time, so it is of utmost importance you optimize your OS for music production, shut any unwanted programs, and work with East West ONE instrument at a time.

    Basically, you have your skeleton of a track. As you add each part (11 Violin Staccatos, etc.) freeze the track when you are finished so it doesn't eat as much CPU. You'll also probably notice the sounds amazing, essential to give the track even more of an edge. But you'll find turning it on AFTER the bulk of production work is done, and recording with the reverb off entirely is a good way to speed up the process and save your computer from locking up.


    This might be my favorite VST, but it's a BIG investment and not for the faint of heart. I literally learned so much about orchestral composition just seeing the names of the presets. And as I loaded various samples in, I learned all kinds of terms pertaining to orchestral music (Pizzicato, Staccato, etc) and what goes into composing for an orchestra.

    But as I said, this isn't for the faint of heart. Your computer WILL experience some CPU spikes if you are attempting to run 15 different iterations of the software at once. Freeze each section you're done with, and hold off on drenching the instruments in reverb until you've established some finality. Work with the product and around it's (very few) pitfalls, and you'll likely have at your hands the best orchestral software you could possibly find.

    I'd also like to note Sounds Online runs almost constant sales. I actually picked this up with Stormdrum 2, a buy one get 1 free sale, and was extremely happy I did so. So in summation - bit of a learning curve, pain-in-the-neck to install, but amazing software that will bring so much more to your music and tracks with a little effort and knowledge.
  • CarlaMsCarlaMs

    Complexe orchestre pack

    EastWest Symphonic Orchestra GOLD COMPLETE - PLAY EDITIONPublié le 19/03/13 à 17:13
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    No compatibility issues that I have ever encountered.
    The manual is pretty complex and describes the different techniques that may be used to achieve a certain effect or sound , however it's enough if you have a powerful music knowledge.

    The general setup is quite simple , however this pack is based around real samples of real instruments , so the setup and configuration takes a while.

    The typical functions are easy to follow and understand the instruments , how they blend together and achieve certain sound.


    The software works very good , I have never found or had any errors neither any of my working partners.

    The software is stable , made extremely well.

    I'm getting amazing performances with this product , this pack is often found in any composer's library , the quality of the sounds is outstanding.

    I've been using this library for the past 2 or 3 years , this is without a doubt a blessing for the film and scoring composers.


    What I like most about this orchestral library , are the sounds , the depth of vibrato , the many type of articulations , the quality of the instruments which layered with a powerful reverb can't be separated from real instruments.

    The nice smooth wide range that this software can be used is also a factor , you have different possibilities in terms of resonance , color , and sound.

    The thing that I least like about it , is the loading process , this is a heavy software so that it requires a certain amount of time to load , which sometime can be quite painful.

    Precision and quality of the sound is dead on , the tremolo is so natural , the pitch is vibrating so powerful and clear , it's an outstanding product.

    Knowing what I know , I would make the same choice again in choosing EWQL for my work and self pleasure.
  • MickamixMickamix

    bien pour commencer

    EastWest Symphonic Orchestra GOLD COMPLETE - PLAY EDITIONPublié le 21/09/11 à 11:04
    Installation longue comme d'hab chez eux!
    manuel claire quasi inutile
    j'ai de gros soucie avec cette banque de chez eux (je les ai toute) et c'est la seul ou j'ai "perdu" la moitié des samples...ils ne sont plus reconnu quand j'ai déplacé le dossier dans un autre disque externe. Alors que mes autres banques de la même marque ne pose aucun problème!

    c navrant! et leurs disques d'installation déconne totale pas moyen de ravoir la source...j'ai perdu 300€ en gros


    on arrive a faire tourner un orchestre complet stable.


    depuis des années je l'utilise avec la VSL spécial edition qui est meilleur sur les "vents" car eastwest …
    Lire la suite
    Installation longue comme d'hab chez eux!
    manuel claire quasi inutile
    j'ai de gros soucie avec cette banque de chez eux (je les ai toute) et c'est la seul ou j'ai "perdu" la moitié des samples...ils ne sont plus reconnu quand j'ai déplacé le dossier dans un autre disque externe. Alors que mes autres banques de la même marque ne pose aucun problème!

    c navrant! et leurs disques d'installation déconne totale pas moyen de ravoir la source...j'ai perdu 300€ en gros


    on arrive a faire tourner un orchestre complet stable.


    depuis des années je l'utilise avec la VSL spécial edition qui est meilleur sur les "vents" car eastwest n'est pas "constant" dans la qualité et leurs vents sont...pouraves! sauf le basson.
    Les cuivres? j'adore les staccatos des "2trumpettes" en 'mute' aussi.
    Il y'a du Roundrobin jusqu'a X8 a la pelle pour les notes courtes (staccato, marcato pizzi etc...) C'est pour les cuivres que j'utilse cette banque
    les violons sont moyens et sonnent "gros", alors que la VSL propose de beau violon de musique de chambre plus "crincrin" et naturel.
    Je suis donc dessus par les violons solo(de la daube!) et ensemble(moyen) de EWQLSO
    je remplace désormais les ensemble violons par QL Hollywoodstring Gold, tout bonnement superbe.
    me manque plus que les soliste a corde (EWQL Gybsy est pas mal pour ça)
    Je ne referai pas ce choix (voir tout en haut)

    je tend a le remplacer totalement j'y suis presque.
    j'ai fait un CD avec en tout...

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